Language exhibition in German


Over 110 million people use German as their first language, and it is a member of the Indo-Germanic language family. It is a relatively new language referred to as the "language of the people" in records from the Early Middle Ages. The Reformation and the introduction of printing, which aided in developing High German, gave the German vernacular more prominence.

Globally, 14.5 million individuals are studying German. Both offline and online instructional resources are used to learn the language. For instance, a German language tutor at can assist you in understanding the finer nuances of the language. Effective communication between people of different cultures is made possible by having high language abilities; these skills also help to foster trust and exchange between people of different cultures.

Many elements affect language, and it evolves continually. For instance, Germany's partition between 1945 and 1990 resulted in a politically motivated change to the language. Besides the consistent, standardized High German, there are several regional dialects. German is primarily spoken in Germany, Austria, and a few Swiss cantons throughout Europe. On all continents, there are also a handful of islands that speak German. Germany, Austria, and Luxembourg have German as their official national language inside the EU.

The "The German Language" exhibition at the German Historical Museum in Berlin, which offers a comprehensive, thematically organized overview of the development of the German language, is carefully coordinated with the "man spricht Deutsch" (English: "German spoken here") exhibition at the Haus der Geschichte in Bonn, which focuses on contemporary German-language phenomena.